Twitch Viewer Bot: The Best Way to Get Free Twitch Viewers

Getting a Twitch viewer bot is one of the best ways to help you grow your audience. Millions of hopefuls are looking to get paid Twitch streamer money, but growing a channel is hard.

If your Twitch channel is in its ‘training wheels’ stages, your biggest concern is how to get more Twitch viewers in a short amount of time.

When you’re just starting, it’s common to want to grow your audience fast. Organic growth takes time, effort, and a lot of overhead investing.

Here comes the question every Twitch streamer is asking:

How can I get free Twitch viewers?

For many Twitch streamers, using Twitch viewer bots is a tempting short-cut to stardom, offering quick returns and promising to grab the masses’ attention.

So how do Twitch view bots work? Are Twitch viewer bots a legitimate way to catapult your channel to success? Is there a better way to get free Twitch viewers? Let's find out!

Twitch Viewer Bot: What is it?

What is a Twitch Viewer Bot?

A Twitch view bot is essentially a robot you pay to watch your channel.

Does it sound empty? Well, it is. Why then are so many gamers and other Twitch streamers buying Twitch viewer bots?

In short, paying robots to watch your stream artificially boosts your channel's number of live viewers. In the world of Twitch, the number of Twitch channel views you have is critical.

The more live viewers you have, the higher your channel is featured on your game’s page, and the more likely you are to draw attention from more viewers.

How do Twitch Viewer Bots Work?

How do Twitch Viewer Bots Work?

In practical terms, how do Twitch bots function? Let’s take a look at the process.

Bot viewers on Twitch

  1. You start by signing up for a Twitch viewer bot free trial.
  2. Your channel instantaneously receives an ‘x’ amount of robot followers or viewers on your live stream, depending on the terms of the third-party bot service you have chosen.
  3. Your purchased bots will try to fly under the radar by acting like real users, even participating in chat rooms. However, a chatbot is easily detectable by human viewers and Twitch has recently implemented their own solutions to catch bots.

Get Free Twitch Viewers with Twitch Gainz

Pros and Cons of Botting Vs. Using TwitchGainz.com

Take time to familiarize yourself with the benefits and drawbacks of popular ways to grow your Twitch channel. Start by reviewing the many benefits of using TwitchGainz.com to get more live views versus the risks associated with Twitch bots:

  • Can be used for free
  • Not against Twitch guidelines / won’t get you banned
  • Grow a real audience that will keep coming back if they like your content
  • Incentivize and reward viewers who are actually interested in watching your stream
  • Avoid ad fraud

Free Twitch Viewers

Third-party Twitch bot services often offer eye-catching free trials. Theoretically, a user could work the system by signing up for a succession of free trials from various bot sellers, quickly growing a massive ‘following’ with virtually no cost.  

Still, this is against Twitch policy and isn’t useful in the long run. Instead of putting time and energy into working the system, why not create a compelling channel that will genuinely captivate your viewers?

Buying Twitch Viewers

Good, old-fashioned organic growth is the safest and most satisfying way to build your Twitch channel for free.

Organic growth can be achieved by settling into your niche and engaging with your audience and fellow streamers. Find your place in the Twitch community. Seek out like-minded streamers and host each other’s content. Create a social media strategy, and stick to it.  

If you’re already doing the steps mentioned above, you know that growing from scratch takes a lot of dedication. Even with hours of daily streaming high-quality content, the process of building up your fan base can be painstakingly slow.  

What if you don’t have the time or energy to put into organic growth?

Instead, boost your channel views with TwitchGainz.com. With both free and paid services, our services offer an alternative to buying Twitch viewers that doesn’t violate Twitch guidelines.

How do we do it? Put simply, we say ‘no’ to robots. Our users — and your future viewers —  are real Twitch users.

TwitchGainz.com allows you to offer real viewers a monetary incentive called GEMS to watch your stream or follow your channel. These users can then use the GEMS they earned for engaging with your channel to create their own incentives or cash them in for real money.

Making monetary offers to potential viewers (and followers) can help you draw the audience that your channel needs to get rolling. If your paid viewers like what they see, they may become loyal followers and even subscribe.

What is Twitch’s Policy on Botting?

What is Twitch’s Policy on Botting?

Twitch does not endorse botting. Third-party services selling Twitch bots are not affiliated with, authorized by, or sponsored by Twitch. The company consistently maintains an anti-bot stance.

Notorious streamers caught boosting their stats with robot viewers have been permanently banned by Twitch in the past. High profile streamers with massive followings can see all of their time and money into their channel go up in smoke if caught botting.

“As a reminder, fake engagement and artificial inflation of channel statistics are violations of our policies. Participating in, organizing, and/or running these services will lead to an enforcement issued on your account, including and up to indefinite suspension.” — Twitch on How to Handle Viewership Botting and Fake Engagement.

Recently, Twitch has ramped up its efforts to police the use of bots within its streaming platform, even pursuing legal action against bot-selling companies.

Additionally, botting on Twitch channels is an increasingly sensitive issue among the Twitch community. It is a source of resentment amongst users, who can often tell when another user is botting.

A sudden spike in your stats or unusual comments made in your channel’s chat room may tip off your viewers. If users suspect you are using bots, they may call you out and damage your reputation as a streamer, lessening future growth potential.

To recap, supplementing your Twitch account channel views with robots is against Twitch policy, risky, and generally frowned upon by the viewers that matter: real viewers.

The Bottom Line

Growing your Twitch channel is a competitive and challenging process. Still, do not let desperation drive you to use Twitch bots. There is no replacement for real, live viewers. Let it be humans who popularize your stream, not robots.

Sign up for TwitchGainz.com to start rewarding your potential fans for watching your channel, and watch your audience grow.